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()is a situation in which an agent does something during the course of his or her employment to further his or her own interests rather than the principal's.

A、Coming and going

B、Frolic and detour


D、Dual-purpose mission

更多“()is a situation in which an agent does something during the course of……”相关的问题


He blamed his poor judgment of the situation _______ jet lag.

A、 in

B、 of


D、 on



— If you were in my situation, what would you do?—()

A、I'm sorry to know that.

B、Sorry, I have no ide

C、It's no big deal.

D、Why worry?



It is a relationship between the content of a message, its sender and receiver, its situation and purpose, and how it is communicated.


The situation in the Middle East is so () that we have to be cautious when dealing with the hostage issue.
A. complex
B. difficult
C. mixed
D. mild



The making of foreign language education policy must take into consideration the ____ and educational situation of the country.
A. environmental
B. economic
C. political
D. social


中英互译:in short, despite the near-term dominance of the dominance of the producers o
中英互译:in short, despite the near-term dominance of the dominance of the producers of mass culture like Disney, the long-term future of culture is not a situation where all cultures seem the same but an immense. complex and valuable mixture of individual national traditions. fashions. and beliefs.



How time flies, unconsciously the next winter vacation will soon come. In order to improve myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday, I made the winter vacation plan. Firstly I want to continue with my study, I think study is a life process, so no matter what the situation I am in, I will look for chances to continue it. I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业)and some novels, I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes. joozone.com Secondly, since it is the holiday, I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.



填词补文 Samuel Johnson Samuel Johnson was an English writer. He was born on 18 September 1709.

Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson was an English writer. He was born on 18 September 1709. He was_31_ at a grammar school. He spent a brief_ 32_ at Oxford University. However, he was forced to leave due to lack of money. Unable to find teaching work, he drifted into writing. In 1735, he married. In 1737, Johnson _33 _ to London. He wrote on a _ 34_variety of subjects. He_ 35_ became famous in the literary field. His Dictionary of the English Language was_ 36__ in 1755. It was the most_ 37_ dictionary at that time. Johnson was_ 38__ short of money, despite the _ 39_ _ of his dictionary. In 1762,his_ 40 situation changed with a government pension (养老金) Johnson died on 13 December 1784.

A. huge B. formally C. success D. important

E. moved F. period G. continually H. financial

I. published J. book K. educated L. Gradually



A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and his wife heard
A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and his wife heard the news on the radio. “How are we going to tell your mother?” the wife asked. “The shock might kill her!”
“That's true,” the son said. “Perhaps we'd better speak to her doctor about it. He'll know how to break(告诉)the news to her gently.”
They explained the situation to the old lady's doctor.
“I'm glad you told me,” he said, “A shock, even a happy one, could give her a heart attack. Leave it to me. I'll find a way of breaking the news to her.”
He thought about the problem for several days, then decided what he would say. He called on(拜访)the old lady and sat by her beside. He took her hand in his. “Let's play a game, my dear,” he said. “Let's Pretend' game.”
“Oh, yes,” the old lady said. “I love 'Let's Pretend' game.”
“Good. I'll ask you a question first,” the doctor said. “Then you can tell me one.”
He pretended to think for a few moments. Then he said, “Tell me, what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?” “Oh, that's an easy one,” the old lady said. “I'd give most of it to you, doctor, because you have been so good to me all these years. Doctor!”
But the doctor was now lying on the floor. He had died of shock.
1)、The son and his wife didn't want his mother to die of(死于)shock.
2)、The doctor was worried that the news would make her sad.
3)、The doctor went to the old lady's house to tell her the news.
4)、The doctor was sleeping on the floor.
5)、The doctor envied(羡慕)the old lady's money and was killed by her.


More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Ren Coty.Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister.He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production.It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries.The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people,let alone long-ranged developments.Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point.Rents were tightly controlled,but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of food.Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income.Wages,it is true,had risen.Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state,and there was full-time and overtime employment.Taken together,these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security.In this precarious(不安定的)and discouraging situation,workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country.It was feared that this migration of workers would deplete the labor force.The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced.Qualified workers employed abroad would only increase the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries.Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.
1. According to the passage,the French workers were _____.
A. willing to work overseas
B. able to save more money with the increase in his wages
C. anxious to work abroad
D. often unable to find work in France
2. The French government was reluctant to let the workers leave the country,because _____.
A. it would enlarge the working force
B. it would hinder the improvement of quality in industrial production
C. it would hinder the increase in quantity of exports
D. it would damage the imports
3. Rents in France _____.
A. were extremely high
B. were tightly controlled
C. took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income
D. had doubled in two years
4. According to the passage,French production _____.
A. was inadequate to meet the needs of the French people
B. was flooding the international market with inferior products
C. emphasized industrial production at the expense of agricultural production
D. was enough for the local market
5. According to the passage the French government _____.
A. prohibited the French workers to work abroad
B. reduced taxes to fight inflation
C. paid family allowances and benefits
D. prohibited the French workers to join labor unions

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